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I Have Cockroaches, Now What?!

Before you reach for the cockroach killer, reach out to your local eco-friendly exterminator.

I Have Cockroaches, Now What?!

Cockroaches. Gross, right? These pests are smelly, tear up your rugs and clothing and can cause a host of diseases. Large infestations can cause serious damage to your home simply from the sheer volume of pests. 

If you’re concerned that you might have roaches, it can be tempting to buy the most powerful cockroach killer you can find, but there are other, safer ways to handle it. Here is what to do when you have a cockroach problem, including when to call an eco-friendly exterminator to finish the job.

Wash Everything

Cockroaches are disease carriers. They can transfer salmonella, E.coli, typhoid and more. They can easily contaminate your food and will seek out dark areas such as cupboards and pantries. Until you can completely remove all roaches from your home, you will want to adopt a strict cleaning regimen that includes all parts of your home. Counters, walls, baseboards – everything must be cleaned to avoid contracting illness.

Inspect Your Home

Search your home for any structural damage. Roaches love the dark so you will want to check your walls, basement and attic to gain a better understanding of the extent of the issue. The cockroaches you see likely only represent a portion of the overall population in your home. While they don’t eat wood, they will enjoy adhesive as a part of their diet. Depending on the materials used in your home, cockroaches can cause significant damage if left unchecked. Check your walls and support beams to ensure everything is still in place.

Call the Experts

Once you understand the extent of your roach problem, it’s time to hand it off to an expert. Extensive roach problems require special attention to detail. Cockroaches breed in dark, humid places, and their eggs can develop in as little as 30-40 days. Your eco-friendly exterminator will identify these types of areas in your home – such as your basement and under your sink – and will be sure to give these areas extra attention to ensure that the roaches are removed once and for all, without putting your family or pets at risk.

Your Local Pest Control Experts

Brooks Pest Control is here to help you reclaim your home from cockroaches. Our services begin with a thorough inspection of your home to identify entry points, hot spots and potential breeding grounds so that all areas can be treated. Our eco-friendly treatments will take care of the problem while remaining safe for your pets and family members. 

Call today to schedule your inspection.