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Rodent Control in Olympia, WA, Pest Control

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Rat Exterminators in Olympia, WA

Discovering rodents in your home can be a frustrating and stressful experience. No matter how clean you keep your house, these critters always seem to find their way in. Not only do they gnaw on everything in sight, but they can also carry disease and pose a risk to your family’s health.

Luckily, Brooks Pest Control is here to help. Our team of professionals is trained to identify entry points, set up traps, and work with you to prevent future infestations, and we even offer same-day service if you call before noon. So don’t wait, call Brooks now for all your pest problems.

Olympia, WA, Rodent Control Treatment

As a homeowner, dealing with rodents can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Trying to eradicate these pesky pests with over-the-counter remedies can help reduce the problem, but may not eliminate it completely. Brooks Pest Control understands this and offers fast and effective rodent treatments that are eco-friendly and tailored to your individual needs. 

Leave the hassle to the professionals. Brooks Pest Control offers fast and effective pest treatments in Olympia, WA, that are eco-friendly and tailored to your individual needs. Our pest control experts are here to help you eliminate the rodents in your home, giving you the peace of mind that your living space is free from unwanted pests.

Why Are There Rodents in My Home?

Rodents are a common nuisance in many homes, and the unfortunate thing is that they can enter your home through various means. Among the entry points that rodents use are the roof, vents, or small cracks in the walls and foundation of your home. 

In search of shelter, warmth, and food, rodents are most active during the fall and winter months, when the weather conditions outside become unfavorable. During this time, rodents will seek out any opportunity to enter your home, so it’s important to take preventive measures such as sealing any potential entry points and keeping the premises clean. 

How Do I Get Rid of Rodents in Olympia, WA?

You can try using mouse and rat traps near the places rodents were last seen to try to catch them, but you will likely find that more of them just keep showing up no matter how many you catch. While there are certainly options available to you as a homeowner in Olympia, WA to combat these unwanted pests, it’s important to remember that nothing replaces the effectiveness of calling in the pest professionals. 

Here at Brooks Pest Control, we have the knowledge, equipment, and expertise necessary to not only rid your home of pests quickly and efficiently but to do it in a way that is both safe and eco-friendly.

Get Your Free Olympia, WA, Rodent Control Quote Today

If your Olympia, WA, home is being overrun by rodents, look no further than Brooks Pest Control. Our team of certified professionals will work closely with you to create a customized plan that is tailored to meet your specific needs. We take pride in our work and guarantee a job well done. Take advantage of our special offers and request a free quote today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have more than one type of pest in my home?

We are pleased to offer an eco-friendly pest control solution for your home or business. In addition to eliminating your current pest problem, we offer treatments for a variety of other pests as well. From rodents to roaches we have the knowledge and expertise to identify and eradicate any unwanted guests in your space.

Do you offer same-day rodent control in Olympia, WA?

Our goal is to provide you with convenience in your pest control experience on top of our superior quality of service. You can enjoy same-day service if you make your call before noon, even on Saturdays. But no matter when you call, we will make sure that a pest control professional from Brooks is at your door as soon as possible to start drafting a plan tailored to your unique needs. 

What happens if rodents come back after treatment?

We stand by our commitment to quality service and customer satisfaction, and we are determined to make sure the job is done right the first time. You can count on us to take care of any pest problem and deliver prompt, reliable service. Your satisfaction is our top priority – and we refuse to compromise on that.

We offer complimentary retreatments if you find that rodents have come back after your treatment. If the pests return, so will we, that’s our guarantee. 

How do I get started?

It’s time to take a stand against the rodents in your home. Call Brooks Pest Control today, or reach out to us online to schedule your appointment with one of our pest control specialists, and we will help you create a pest-free environment for you and your family. Don’t wait, call today!

Pest Control technician speaking to a woman about pest control services.

Pet and Environmentally Safe

Our licensed and certified pest control technicians use treatment methods that are friendly to pets, families, and the environment. Our customers are important to us – that’s why we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If the pests come back, so do we.


Same-day and Saturday Service

At Brooks, we’re dedicated to solving your pest problems for good. That’s why we offer same-day and Saturday pest control services – call us before noon and we’ll get the job done.


Don’t wait. Get rid of your pests today!